Spring 2025
Section 4391 of CSKLS770
Supervised Tutoring -- : Jan 13 - May 16 2025
The Tutorial Center is available for in person and online tutoring with SRJC tutors. It is open MTWTh from 9:00am-7:00pm; F 8:00am-5:00pm; Sat 9:00am-3:00pm. Visit https://college-skills.santarosa.edu/srjc-tutorial-centers for more information.
Section 4732 of CSKLS741
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 1 -- : Jan 14 - Mar 11 2025
La sección de arriba enseña matemáticas/ ciencias en español. Se requiere que los estudiantes asistan a reuniones en línea en vivo para cada sesión de clase en los días / horas enumerados anteriormente. Los estudiantes deben ser conectados digitalmente con Internet. Los estudiantes deben tener u obtener su identificación de estudiante y código PIN para acceder a los materiales en Canvas semanalmente.
Section 4733 of CSKLS741
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 1 -- : Jan 14 - Mar 11 2025
La sección de arriba enseña matemáticas/ciencias en español. Se requiere que los estudiantes asistan a reuniones en línea en vivo para cada sesión de clase en los días/horas enumerados anteriormente. Los estudiantes deben ser conectados digitalmente con Internet. Los estudiantes deben tener u obtener su identificación de estudiante y código PIN para acceder a los materiales en Canvas semanalmente.
Section 4743 of CSKLS741
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 1 -- : Jan 13 - Mar 11 2025
This section for basic Math/Science instruction is in English and based on academic levels through 12th grade utilizing GED and HiSET curriculum. Students are to attend live online meetings for each class session at the days/time(s) listed. Students are expected to be online with reliable internet, mic, and/or camera during the entire scheduled window. Students must have or obtain their student ID and PIN Code to access materials on Canvas weekly.
Section 4787 of CSKLS742
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 2 -- : Mar 25 - May 15 2025
La sección de arriba enseña matemáticas/ ciencias en español. Se requiere que los estudiantes asistan a reuniones en línea en vivo para cada sesión de clase en los días / horas enumerados anteriormente. Los estudiantes deben ser conectados digitalmente con Internet. Los estudiantes deben tener u obtener su identificación de estudiante y código PIN para acceder a los materiales en Canvas semanalmente.
Section 4808 of CSKLS742
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 2 -- : Mar 25 - May 15 2025
La sección de arriba enseña matemáticas/ ciencias en español. Se requiere que los estudiantes asistan a reuniones en línea en vivo para cada sesión de clase en los días / horas enumerados anteriormente. Los estudiantes deben ser conectados digitalmente con Internet. Los estudiantes deben tener u obtener su identificación de estudiante y código PIN para acceder a los materiales en Canvas semanalmente.
Section 4842 of CSKLS742
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 2 -- : Mar 24 - May 19 2025
This section for basic Math/Science instruction is in English and based on academic levels through 12th grade utilizing GED and HiSET curriculum. Students are to attend live online meetings for each class session at the days/time(s) listed. Students are expected to be online with reliable internet, mic, and/or camera during the entire scheduled window. Students must have or obtain their student ID and PIN Code to access materials on Canvas weekly.
Section 6395 of CSKLS770
Supervised Tutoring -- : Jan 13 - May 23 2025
The Tutorial Center is available for in person and online tutoring with SRJC tutors. It is open MTWTh from 9am-7:00pm; F 10:30am-4:00pm. Visit https://college-skills.santarosa.edu/srjc-tutorial-centers for more information.
Fall 2024
Section 0401 of CSKLS741
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 1 -- : Aug 20 - Oct 10 2024
La sección de arriba enseña matemáticas ciencias en español. Se requiere que los estudiantes asistan a reuniones en línea en vivo para cada sesión de clase en los días/horas enumerados anteriormente. Los estudiantes deben ser conectados digitalmente con Internet. CSKLS741 es el nivel 1 y cubre aritmética y ciencias básicas. CSKLS742 es el nivel 2 y cubre álgebra y ciencias básicas.
Section 0435 of CSKLS742
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 2 -- : Oct 15 - Dec 10 2024
La sección de arriba enseña matemáticas/ciencias en español. Se requiere que los estudiantes asistan a reuniones en línea en vivo para cada sesión de clase en los días/horas enumerados anteriormente. Los estudiantes deben ser conectados digitalmente con Internet. CSKLS741 es el nivel 1 y cubre aritmética y ciencias básicas. CSKLS742 es el nivel 2 y cubre álgebra y ciencias básicas.
Section 0914 of EDU66
Evaluation of Student Learning in a Diverse Classroom -- : Aug 22 - Dec 13 2024
This class will meet in person on Tuesdays. Remaining content will be delivered asynchronously in Canvas.
Section 4130 of CSKLS770
Supervised Tutoring -- : Aug 19 - Dec 18 2024
The Tutorial Center is available for in person and online tutoring with SRJC tutors. It is open MTWTh from 9:00am-7:00pm and F 10:30am-4:00pm. Visit https://college-skills.santarosa.edu/srjc-tutorial-centers for more information.
Felicia is a full-time faculty member and her schedule varies each semester.
• Stanford University, Stanford, CA, PhD in Math Education, 2016
• Stanford University, Stanford, CA, PhD Minor in Spanish Language, 2016
• Garcia Robles Fulbright Scholarship, 2015
• Vermont State University, Lyndonville, VT, Masters in Curriculum and Instruction, 1996
• Vermont State University, Johnson, VT, Bachelors in Mathematics, 1992
• SRJC 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Program, 2024
• Empathy Circle Facilitator Training Program, 2024
• CPR Certificate, 2023
• CLAD/CTEL California Certificate to teach English Learners, since 2007
• California Secondary Math Certification, since 2004
Passionate about math instruction that serves all learners– including students from historically marginalized communities
Dr. Darling loves teaching math and helping teachers facilitate inclusive, inquiry-based math learning that builds on students’ lived experiences. She is a Full Professor at Santa Rosa Junior College where she teaches math, teacher education courses, and Playing with Mindfulness and Math. She is a Lecturer of social justice Precalculus and Calculus 1 at UC Berkeley – merging her passion for math education with her drive for social change. While earning her PhD from Stanford in Math Ed, she won a Fulbright for documenting innovative approaches to doing community math in a Mayan village and working with local teachers to pilot active math tasks that build on students’ funds of math knowledge.
Teachin’ It! Breakout Moves that Break Down Barriers for Community College Students guides teachers to facilitate inclusive and inquiry-based group learning to reach and teach students from groups who have been historically left out of STEM careers. Empathy Unchained™ Heal Your Trauma, Uplift the World advocates healing past hurts, exploring biases, and following one’s higher purpose to make our communities more just and compassionate. The Empathy Unchained™ DEIA Conversation Deck, helps nurture conversations that create a culture of belonging in classrooms and campuses. Felicia weaves her yoga, social justice, and mindfulness expertise into her math and teacher education courses to reduce math anxiety and create a more inclusive and empathy-informed classroom community. You might laugh while reading her books, since she illustrates them with her untamed Professor Funnies©. Her groundbreaking work has been spotlighted by prominent platforms including Inside Higher Ed, Education Week, WAMC Northeast Public Radio, and Chronicle of Higher Education.
Felicia was Faculty Advisor of the SRJC FLIP Club. This is a student club for First-Generation-College, Low-Income Students. She is available to lead mindfulness, Hour of Bliss, or Empathy Circles for any student Group or Club
- Darling, F. (in preparation). Lessons for teachers about including social justice activities in precalculus.Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.
- Darling, F. (in preparation) How teachers can include student voices in active math tasks.Journal of Mathematics Education at Teachers College, Columbia University.
- Darling, F. (submitted) Chapter 3. Inclusive, active math: innovative instruction centered around the whole student and their creativity inExploring the Richness of Being Human through the Philosophy of Mathematics Education.International Congress on Math Education (ICME).
- Darling, F. (2024) Empathy Unchained™ DEIA Conversation Deck. Gracepoint Publishing.
- Darling. F & Barragán Torres, M. (2021). Estrategias comunitarias de resolución de problemas matemáticos en una comunidad maya en Yucatán, RLEE.
- Make Cultural Assets Count in Community College: Lessons learned from piloting math tasks in a Yucatec Maya school. (July, 2020) Innovation Abstracts, 7(25), NISOD, University of Texas Austin.
- Darling, F. (2019) Teachin’ It! Breakout Moves that Break Down Barriers for Community College Students. Columbia University Teachers College Press.
- Darling, F. (2019). Incorporating cultural assets in Yucatec Maya math classrooms. Opportunities missed?Journal of Mathematics and Culture. 13(1), 20-60.
- Darling, F. (2019). SRJC Lecture & Arts, Santa Rosa, CA. Making Cultural Assets Count: Funds of knowledge in a Yucatec Maya math classrooms.
- Darling, F. (2017). Outsider Indigenous Research: Dancing the Tightrope Between Etic and Emic Perspectives. Forum: Qualitative Social Research. 17(3).
- Darling, F. (2016). Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America(PME-NA) Conference, Tucson, AZ. Making Cultural Assets Count: Community approaches to problem-solving in Yucatec Maya math classrooms.
- Darling, F. (2016). American Psychological Association (APA) Society for the Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race Conference, Stanford, CA. Is this math? Community approaches to problem-solving in a Yucatec Maya village.
- Darling, F. (2012). Book Review: Maths in the Kimberley: Reforming Mathematics in Remote Indigenous Communities by R. Jorgensen, P. Sullivan, P. Grootenboer, R. Niesche, S. Lerman, and J. Boaler.International Journal of Multicultural Education. 14(1).
- Darling, F. Steele, C. (2010). Book Review: Whistling Vivaldi: And Other Clues to How Stereotypes Affect Us. NY: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc. 242 pp., ISBN: 012133603 Linkedin.
- Darling, F. (2024) Empathy Unchained™: Heal Your Trauma, Uplift the World. Gracepoint Publishing.
- Ten Ways to End Elitism in Math Classes (2024). Inside Higher Ed
- Community College of Vermont Article About Belonging and Learning(2024) by K. Keszey
- Kirkus Review of Empathy Unchained: Heal Your Trauma, Uplift the World (2024)
- Walk! …and Live Longer in Serenan Newsletter, (2023)
- Connect to Nature. Breathe More. Live Happier inSerenan Newsletter, (2023)
- “What is the best way to respond to educators when they say they don’t see race?”(2019) Felicia Darling with Education Week with Larry Ferlazzo.
- How to respond when a colleague says or does something that is racist?” (2019). Felicia Darling withEducation Weekwith Larry Ferlazzo.
- Fair is not Equal (2019). Education Week with Larry Ferlazzo.
- Student Agency is Ownership (2019). Education Week with Larry Ferlazzo.
- Interview about Teachin’ It! by Scott Jaschik, (2019). Inside Higher Ed
- Chronicle of Higher Education (2019). Selected Books on Higher Education
- How to Make Authentic Research Experiences Widely Available (2019). Chronicle of Higher Education
- The New College MindsetJerica Lamar interviews Felicia Darling May, 2024
- EmpathyCenterSummit(2025) presents on Equity- and Inclusion-Focused Empathy Circles Help Create a Culture of Empathy and Belonging
- EmpathyBook Author Summit(2023) Presents on, Empathy Unchained™: Heal Your Trauma. Uplift the World.
- Achieving the Dream 2020 Conference Keynote (February, 2020) The Future of Teaching and Learning: Collaborating across institutional divides.
- Interview, The Best of Our Knowledge, host Bob Barrett (2019). WAMC Northeast Public Radio
- Interview, Education Today, Kitty Kelly Epstein (2019). KPFA 94.1FM
- Interview, Modern Education, Ben Woodford (2019). Stanford’s KZSU 90.1FM