Fall 2024

Section 1518 of MATH15
Elementary Statistics -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
This section of Elementary Statistics is linked to a Continued Support Course, Math 215, section #1519, TTh 4:00-5:00pm. You will be automatically enrolled in both sections. Note that if you drop one section, you will automatically be dropped from the other.

Section 1519 of MATH215
Elementary Statistics Concurrent Support -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
This section is a continued support course that is linked to Math 15, section #1518, MW 6:30-8:30pm. You will be automatically enrolled in both sections. Note that if you drop one section, you will automatically be dropped from the other.

Summer 2024

Section 8343 of MATH27
Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry -- : Jun 17 - Aug 13 2024
This section requires a graphing calculator without a computer algebra system (CAS) and accessing online course materials.

Spring 2024

Section 7224 of MATH15
Elementary Statistics -- : Jan 17 - May 15 2024

No office hours

BS Physics and Mathematics CSU Chico 1988
MS Physics UC Davis 1996

Academic Experience

Teaching science and math in various educational
settings for 25 years. Also during that time, have
done a lot of research in several disparate arenas.

Professional Areas of Interest

Physical Sciences Areas of Interest:

Instruction of Physical Sciences
Observational Astronomy and Astrophysics
Geomagnetics and Magneto-hydrodynamics
Magneto Optics
Ultrathin Magnetic Materials
Chiral Molecules
Ultrahigh Vacuum Physics

Mathematical Areas of Interest:

Instruction of Mathematics
Statistical Mechanics