Fall 2024

Section 0810 of MATH15
Elementary Statistics -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
This section requires accessing online course materials. All students are welcome to enroll in this class; and this section will have extra support from the Lanzamientoinitiative.

Section 0897 of MATH1A
Calculus, First Course -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
This section requires accessing online course materials.

Section 1076 of MATH1B
Calculus, Second Course -- : Aug 20 - Dec 12 2024
This section requires accessing online course materials.

Section 3236 of MATH15
Elementary Statistics -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
This section requires accessing online course materials.

Summer 2024

Section 8160 of MATH4
Discrete Mathematics -- : Jun 17 - Jul 30 2024

Section 8479 of MATH58
Precalculus Trigonometry -- : Jun 17 - Jul 30 2024

Spring 2024

Section 4547 of MATH1A
Calculus, First Course -- : Jan 16 - May 16 2024
This section requires accessing online course materials.

Section 4573 of MATH10
Nature of Mathematics -- : Jan 17 - May 15 2024
This section requires accessing online course materials. All resources, textbook and homework in this section are free to students.

Section 5172 of MATH15
Elementary Statistics -- : Jan 17 - May 15 2024
This section requires accessing online course materials.

Section 5709 of MATH16
Introduction to Mathematical Analysis -- : Jan 16 - May 16 2024
All resources, textbook and homework, are low cost to students. This section requires accessing online course materials.

No office hours

Dec 2013: PhD in Mathematics from Washington State University.
May 2009: MA in Mathematics from CSU, Sacramento.
May 2004: BS in Mathematics from University of the Pacific.

Academic Experience

2009-2011: Graduate Teaching Assistant at Washington State University in Pullman, WA.

2011-2014: Full time faculty at Carroll College in Helena, MT.

I am excited to continue my career at SRJC after teaching in Montana and eastern Washington the previous five years. My professional interests (besides teaching) include linear and abstract algebra and the philosophy and foundations of mathematics. In my free time I love reading fiction, watching quality (and sometimes not so quality) television and movies, jogging, playing racquetball and basketball, playing video games, and enjoying a good meal, brew and conversation with friends and family.

Professional Areas of Interest

Abstract and Linear Algebra
Set Theory and the Foundations and Philosophy of Mathematics

Presentations and Publications

Spectrally Arbitrary Zero-Nonzero Patterns and Field Extension.  Co-authored with Judith McDonald.  Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Upcoming: Ms. Ref. No.: LAA-D-16-00803R1.

Spectrally Arbitrary Zero-Nonzero Matrix Patterns over Algebraic Extensions of the Rational Field.  Electronic Linear Algebra. Submitted January 2017.

Enhancing Student Writing and Computer Programming with LaTeX and MATLAB in Multivariable Calculus. Co-authored with Eric Sullivan. PRIMUS, ISSN: 1051-1970 (Print) 1935-4053 (Online), 2015.

On Some Properties of Humanly Known and Humanly Knowable Mathematics. Published by Axiomathes: Where Science Meets Philosophy, Volume 23, No. 1, March 2013. Co-authored with Jason Megill and Alex Beal.

Characteristics of Questions that Promote Rich Mathematical Discussion. Published by MathAMATYC Educator, Volume 4, No. 3, May 2013, pp 8-14. Co-authored with H. Zullo, K. Cline, C. Storm, J. McGivney-Burelle, A. Stewart, D. Huckaby.

Computability and Human Symbolic Output. Published by Logic and Logical Philosophy, May 10, 2014. Co-authored with Jason Megill.

An Argument Against an Argument Against Artificial Intelligence Using Godel's Incompleteness Theorems Using Godel's Incompleteness Theorems (presentation). Math Colloquia at Sonoma State University, Spring 2015 and Pacific Northwest MAA Section Meeting, University of Montana, Summer 2014.

The Limit of Humanly Knowable Mathematical Truth, Godel's Incompleteness Theorems, and Artificial Intelligence (presentation). Carroll College Faculty Colloquium Series, Spring 2014.

Spectrally Arbitrary Patterns and Algebraic Solutions (presentation). Joint Mathematics Meetings, Baltimore, MD. Jan 2014.

Spectrally Arbitrary Patterns and the Nilpotent Jacobian Method (presentation). Join Mathematics Meetings, San Diego, CA. Jan 2013.

Basic Linear Algebra Results in a Max Algebra Semiring (presentation). Joint ORMATYC/WAMATYC Conference, Stevenson, WA. Feb 2011.