Spring 2025

Section 4924 of COMM4
Survey of Communication -- : Jan 13 - May 14 2025
This is a hybrid class which meets in-person on Wednesdays and via Zoom on Mondays. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.

Section 7788 of COMM1
Introduction to Public Speaking -- : Jan 14 - May 13 2025
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the days and times listed. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.

Fall 2024

Section 0412 of COMM1
Introduction to Public Speaking -- : Aug 20 - Dec 12 2024

Section 0425 of COMM1
Introduction to Public Speaking -- : Aug 20 - Dec 12 2024
This is an online class via Zoom. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given that the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.

Section 1762 of COMM4
Survey of Communication -- : Aug 20 - Dec 12 2024

Summer 2024

Section 8269 of COMM1
Introduction to Public Speaking -- : Jun 17 - Jul 28 2024
This class will meet in-person twice a week. Remaining content will be provided asynchronously. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both video and audio capabilities. Given the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.

Section 9392 of COMM7
Intercultural Communication -- : Jun 17 - Jul 28 2024
Mandatory Zoom meetings will take place on the day and times listed with remaining content delivered asynchronously. Students should have reliable internet access and a functioning webcam that has both audio and video capabilities. Given the development of nonverbal skills is central to the Communication discipline, students are expected to have their webcams on when engaged in synchronous online instruction.


  • 5:30 PM - 6:00 PMOnline


  • 10:30 AM - 11:00 AMGarcia Hall100Santa Rosa Campus

Monnet Zubieta received her MA and BA degrees in
Speech Communication from California State University, Long Beach
She went to Sonoma State University and received a degree in
Teaching English as a Second Language.

Academic Experience

Monnet started teaching in 1987. Since that time she has taught
Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, Intercultural Communication, Organizational Communication, Group Discussion, and coached the speech and debate team.

She has also developed the curriculum for several unique communication classes.

She modified the curriculum of the Public Speaking class to make it a hybrid on-line course. The students meet in class half the time to give their speeches to a live audience. The other half of the class is taught on-line. This class has been offered since Fall 2003.

In 1999 she modified the curriculum for a couple of the basic speech courses to meet the needs of the Welfare Reform Program. The semester long Speech 60 and Communication 66 courses were each divided into 6 modules. Each 1/2 unit module includes a competency exam that tests the students ability to apply and use communication skills.

In 1997 she co-developed the curriculum for a Public Speaking/Meteorology learning community class called Weather Talk. She co-taught with Ron Smith, a science instructor.

When she teaches the basic public speaking course, she often has the class meet in a computer lab. The students use the internet to research their speech topics, Word to develop their outlines and Power Point to prepare visual aides for their presentations. Videotaping is also used for self-evaluation.

In 1992 and 1993 she lived in Kobe, Japan where she taught English as a Foreign Language, at the Simul Academy. She taught intermediate to advanced English to Japanese students. The courses taught were; Basic English courses, Business English, Skills Clinics, and Special topics. She developed the curriculum for two special topics classes. One was called American Culture through TV. The other was called Peace Studies. At Simul the methods used included; a textbook, language lab, current articles from newspapers and magazines with video tapes, recordings and in-class activities to teach English as a foreign language.

While coaching the Santa Rosa Junior College Speech and Debate Team in 1988-1991 the team was in the top five at the state level and in the top ten at the national level of competition. While coaching the Orange Coast College Speech Team in 78/88 they came in first place at the state level and second at the national level.

Professional Involvement and Community Service

Monnet is a Certified Laughter Yoga Teacher. She leads laughter clubs and laughter leader certification courses.

Monnet is a facilitator for the Safe School Ambassadors program. She teaches peer mediation, violence prevention and conflict resolution skills to junior high and high school students.

She was the President of the Mariposa Parent Foundation, a non-profit organization that works to support the enrichment programs offered at a Magnet school in Sebastopol.

She has been a counselor, art director or coordinator for the Family Camp at Spirit Rock, a Buddhist retreat center since 1997. And she is a member of the Spirit Rock Family Council.

She is past VP of Professional Development for the Golden Gate Chapter of the American Society for Training and Development.

She was Chair of the Peace Education Committee for the TESOL Socio-political concerns committee.

And she was a Make-a-Wish volunteer.

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Office Hours can be arranged by making an appointment. We can meet live in person, or in an online classroom with video and a white board to share files such as an outline or power point presentation. It is best to send an email to make a request for an appointment. Then we can connect on CCCConfer or Skype. You can find me on Skype at monnet_in_sebastopol.