Summer 2024
Section 8318 of ANTHRO2
Cultural Anthropology -- : Jun 17 - Jul 28 2024
This section has no scheduled meetings.
Section 8566 of ANTHRO2
Cultural Anthropology -- : Jun 17 - Jul 28 2024
This section has no scheduled meetings.
Spring 2024
Section 4100 of ANTHRO2
Cultural Anthropology -- : Jan 16 - May 17 2024
This section has no regularly scheduled meetings.
Section 5971 of ANTHRO2
Cultural Anthropology -- : Jan 16 - May 17 2024
This section has no regularly scheduled meetings.
Office Hours: Mondays afternoons, however please email me so we can set up a time to chat when it fits both of our schedules.
A.A. American River College
B.A. CSU Sacramento
M.A. Anthropology, CSU Sacramento
Teaching Credentials, Dominican College
Administrative Credential, Sonoma State University
Ed.D. (Doctor of Education) University of San Francisco
Full-Time University Instructor:
CSU Hayward, 2000-2002
Saint Mary's College 2003-2006
CSU East Bay 2006-2010
Currently Part-Time Instructor:
CSU East Bay 2010 to present
SRJC 2008 to present
For Anthro 32, click on this link:
I have lived in Sonoma County since 1984. It is a great place to live!
I have had many kinds of jobs and sometimes these experiences come up in our class discussions. You might be interested in learn that I know what it means to be a working student. I worked both part-time and full time while going to college..... eventually completing nearly 300 units of college coursework, all while my wonderful wife and I were raising three kids and making a living. If you don't give up, you can accomplish all of your goals. Like you, I started by attending my local community college.
My favorite class at the community college? Anthropology, of course!
Teaching at the college level for many years. Consultant to schools and government agencies in several countries.
I am especially interested in the study of Cultural Anthropology: Native American Nations, cross cultural methods of child rearing and Educational Anthropology.
I have served as a volunteer for professional journals, non-profit agencies, schools, and other organizations.
Member of the SRJC All Faculty Association and four other professional associations.
Wait List Students:
All students on the wait list will be allowed to enter the class. So if you get on the Wait List, please order your book and be ready for the first day of class. Allow plenty of time for your used book to ship, if you are using an online seller/publisher. The Bookstore has promised to have a reasonably priced ebook available.
Note: This class does not have any Zoom or other meetings when you have to do the coursework at a particular time. You can do the work anytime/anyplace, except for the scheduled quizzes. You have 24 hours on a particular day to take each quiz.
In my online classes we have quizzes on most Fridays (any time during that 24 hour period of time). If the following conditions do not work well for you, then this course is not one that you should take:
- You must take the quizzes between 12:01 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. on Fridays.
- Quizzes cannot be made up or taken on another day.
- Once you take the quiz, you will get a score, however you will not be given a copy of any quiz question, you must not make your own copy of any quiz question, and you will not be shown which quiz questions you got correct or incorrect (for security reasons). You will just see your final score for the quiz.
- However students are given a quiz by quiz Study Guide and those who do the readings, watch the videos and listen to the lectures, then study using the Study Guide, usually get a good grade in this course.
Again, if these conditions will not work for you, please do not take this class, as we do not want you to later be unhappy about these conditions.
Please see the bottom of the page, for important information about Online (and hybrid) versions of this course and which explains how this Online Anthro course has been crafted with special features to enhance your learning. This course provides audio lectures and slides produced by your SRJC professor (our class is not one of those online courses where you are suppose to "read" lectures, which are shortened versions of the textbook.)
Affordable Texts: Although my Anthro 32 text is not currently available at our library, I have put several copies of the Anthro 2 text on Reserve for my class sections. This is thanks to the support of the library and several former students, who have shared their books with you. Most texts are available used or as ebook rentals. You need to order your text at least 2-3 weeks before class, if you are using an online retailer (like Amazon). You need your text the first week of class, so you will be ready for the quiz.
Just like a face-to-face class, our online course site will not be open to students until the first day of class, see the Schedule for the course dates.
Please read the rest of the information which is provided on this page. Thank you.
Here is some information about the hybrid and all online versions of my classes:
Please note that many online course (at some colleges) are basically an online version of the textbook. In those classes, you spend a lot of time reading text material online and there are no actual lectures by your professor. Other courses have "canned" premade videos which the textbook company provides. These are not really focused on SRJC students and what you need to learn to pass the course exams and the course.
In Anthropology 2: In our class you get the same audio lectures and slides as you do for the classes that meet with me on campus. These lectures were audio recorded live (you see the slides, while you hear me talking-you don't have to watch me during the lectures.) They are fully compliant for those with disabilities and they are closed captioned. I hope you will enjoy the class and the experience of getting the same lectures, films, and discussions as we have in my face-to-face courses. I know you have a choice about which courses you take and I appreciate that you have decided to take my online (or hybrid) course.
In Anthropology 32 you also have some short audio lectures, some of them with PowerPoints. We also have videos that explore the history and the current situation for various Native American Cultures. Additionally you will have Mini-Projects, discussions, and quizzes. We have one textbook, which you can get used, new or you can rent it via our Bookstore.
If you wish to take my one Anthropology classes, please register using the latest SRJC Schedule. If you are unable to register, because the course is full, then please continue to check to see if someone has dropped the course, so that you can register. I always ask for a Wait list for my classes. If you are in the Wait list, you will be accepted into the class on the first day.
You may wonder: "Is taking an online or hybrid class easier then going to a face-to-face class?" The answer from students who have completed the class is no. You are listening to the same lectures, reading the same text, writing responses to the same discussion topics students talk about in class, completing the same major assignments and taking the same quizzes.
It is not easier, but for some students it is much more convenient, since you can do your work at the time and place you choose. As long as you are prepared and have allowed for the same amount of time each week it would take for you to attend class and to do the homework for an on campus class, I am confident you will have fun learning about Anthropology in our online course. It is a very interesting subject!
The course website does not begin until the first day of classes. Just like a regular classroom, you do not enter the online classroom until the first day of class.
This course requires that you watch slides, while listening to lectures. If you do not have fast internet, then you will want to plan when you can come to the campus or go to another location so that you can listen to the lecture each week using a good internet connection. It is best to plan ahead, just in case your internet service does not provide the speed you would like for this activity. Please do not attempt to watch the video on the same day as the quiz, you need to watch the lecture at least three days before the quiz. This will allow you to have time to think about what you are learning, to study, and to resolve any technical problems. If there is a technical problem (or any other problem), you cannot have your time for the quiz extended.
You need to be ready for the quiz on the day it is scheduled, just as you would be for a quiz in a face-to-face class on campus. Please plan ahead. On the first day of class you will view a schedule with every activity you need to complete for every week of the class.
My Anthropology all online classes do not meet in person and you do not have to attend any Zoom class meetings.
You can do the work at any time of the day or night, anywhere where you have fast internet and a computer.
The Summer class goes very quickly and you need to plan on about 12 to 20 hours a week to watch the audio/slide lectures, read the text, watch the videos, prepare for quizzes, post online, and write your papers. It is the same amount of time our on campus students put into doing the same activities during the short six week Summer term (nearly three times as much per week as the full 16 week Fall or Spring semester).
Published articles in scholarly journals and presented papers at a number of international conferences. If you are interested in this kind of information, please send me an email