Fall 2024

Section 3055 of EMLS770
Supplemental Instruction: EMLS -- : Aug 19 - Dec 14 2024
This is FREE online tutoring on Zoom for multilingual students. Students taking EMLS classes online or on the Santa Rosa Campus will be enrolled in this section during the first weeks of the semester. You will receive an email with more information. You can also register yourself just as you would any other class. Questions? Call the EMLS Department at (707) 527-4382.

Spring 2024

Section 5711 of ESL770
Supplemental Instruction: ESL -- : Jan 16 - May 17 2024
This class is for independent, self-paced, online ESL study using DUOLINGO. It is a perfect class for busy people who would like to study online. Your instructor is available every week on Monday and Wednesday from 5:00-7:00pm and Thursday from 11:00am-1:00 pm.

No office hours