Fall 2024

Section 1789 of PSYCH3
Human Sexuality -- : Aug 19 - Dec 13 2024
This section has no scheduled meetings.

Section 1916 of PSYCH56
Aging, Dying and Death -- : Aug 19 - Dec 13 2024
This section has no scheduled meetings.

Summer 2024

Section 8089 of PSYCH1A
General Psychology -- : Jun 17 - Jul 28 2024
This section has no scheduled meetings.

Section 8362 of PSYCH1A
General Psychology -- : Jun 17 - Jul 28 2024
This section has no scheduled meetings.

Spring 2024

Section 5334 of PSYCH56
Aging, Dying and Death -- : Jan 16 - May 17 2024
This section has no regularly scheduled meetings.

Section 7609 of PSYCH3
Human Sexuality -- : Jan 16 - May 17 2024
This section has no regularly scheduled meetings.

No office hours

Monday through Friday - Email Only - dmannino@santarosa.edu

           Again, Email is always a "sure fire" method to reach me! - dmannino@santarosa.edu

Pure Online Classes Taught by Dr. Mannino

   Psych 1A - Introduction to Psychology

   Psych 03 - Human Sexuality

   Psych 56 - Aging, Dying, and Death

   Psych 30 - Social Psychology

Honest attempts in accommodating student needs for additional contact with me is always my goal!



2002. Appointment as Commissioner of Oral Exams.  Board of Behavioral Sciences. State of California.  [Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Clinical Social Worker licensing exams].  

1997. Continuing Education Provider. Board of Behavioral Sciences. State of California (Lic.#PCE-303). 

1989. Doctorate in Counseling and Educational Psychology. University of San Francisco. Dissertation Title: The Relationship between Child Abuse and Other Characteristics Among Young Adult Male Prostitutes.  

1987. Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Board of Behavioral Sciences. State of California (MFCC Lic.#ME-23668).  

1987. National Register of Clinical Social Workers. National Association of Social Workers.  

1987. Diplomate in Clinical Social Work. National Association of Social Workers.  

1979. Licensed Clinical Social WorkerBoard of Behavioral Sciences. State of California (LCSW Lic. #LX-7550).  

1977. Academy of Certified Social Workers (ACSW). National Association of Social Workers.  

1976. California Community College Instructor's Lifetime Credential in Counseling. State of California.

1974. Masters of Social Work, summa cum laude. San Francisco State University. Major: Counseling and Community Organization.  

1973. California Community College Instructor's Lifetime Credential in Public Administration. State of California.

1971. Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude. University of New York at Stony Brook. Major: Social Sciences.  

Academic Experience

1996 - 2019: Santa Rosa Junior College, Full-Time Tenured Professor of Psychology and Psychologist

2002 - 2004: Department Chair. Department of Behavioral Sciences. Santa Rosa Junior College    

1990 - 1996: Santa Rosa Junior College, Adjunct Faculty, Psychology --- Department of Behavioral Sciences

1976 - 1989: University of San Francisco, Adjunct Faculty, Human Relations and Organizational Behavior. Teaching Assistant Graduate Educational Psychology Program

1974 - 1975: University of Malaysia, Pinang, United States Peace Corps Visiting Professor, Psychiatric Social Work

1971 - 1973: City College of San Francisco, Adjunct Faculty, Cross-Cultural Communications, College of the Mission Hispanic Program

1971 - 1972: Lone Mountain College, Adjunct Faculty, Cross-Cultural Communications


Raised in New York, with strong Italian immigrant roots, Davis worked in his father's Italian bakery and his uncle's butcher shop. One summer, he even worked in a candle-making shop, thus giving him the interesting distinction of having been a "baker, a butcher, a candlestick maker!"  

Dr. J. Davis Mannino is Professor of Psychology and a Psychologist.  Dr. Mannino is past Chair of the Department of Behavioral Sciences, which includes the disciplines of Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology. He teaches Human Sexuality (Psych 03), Introduction to Psychology (Psych 1A), and Aging, Dying, & Death (Psych 56). He is a psychologist and licensed psychotherapist in practice since 1979 --- yes, that's over four decades, in case you are poor at math. :-)  

In January, 2024, Dr. Mannino will hit a major milestone! He will have been teaching college level courses for over 53 years, having begun his college teaching career in West Virginia in 1969 and in California beginning at City College of San Francisco in 1972! He has been teaching at SRJC for over 30 years --- since 1990 (Associate and Fulltime).  

Dr. Mannino is the author of six books including: Grieving Days, Healing Days published by Allyn & Bacon (Simon & Schuster) and Sexually Speaking published by McGraw-Hill. A third book, Grave Concerns, based on newspaper columns he has written over the past several years followed next. A fourth book, Human Sexuality: Exercises and Activities, was published. A fifth book, a major college textbook entitled Sexual Themes and Variations, soon followed as a result of a contract with McGraw-Hill. A sixth book, a psychology workbook entitled The PsychAide: Introduction to Psychology, now joins Dr Mannino's publishing accomplishments. All textbooks are revised as needed in an ongoing process of excellence.  

Professor Mannino also taught at over half a dozen colleges and universities around the world, including the University of Malaysia, while serving as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer between the years of 1974-1975.  


"How people get through life is a piece of art, not a piece of cake. Celebrate Art!"  
"Life's short eat dessert first!"  
"While the early bird may get the worm, it's usually the second mouse that gets the cheese!"  


Professional Areas of Interest

Human Sexuality  

Issues related to Aging, Dying, Death, and Bereavement

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered (LGBTQ) Issues  

Forensic Psychology and the Criminal Justice System

Counseling and Psychotherapy  

Neglect, Physical Abuse, and Sexual Abuse of Children


2020 - Present: Associate Professor of Psychology & Psychologist. Department of Behavioral Sciences, Santa Rosa Junior College. Santa Rosa, California 95401.

1990 - 2019: Retired, December, 2019. Professor of Psychology & Psychologist. Department of Behavioral Sciences, Santa Rosa Junior College. Santa Rosa, California 95401. Courses Taught: Child Growth and Development; Aging, Dying, & Death; Human Sexuality; Introduction to Psychology, and Social Psychology. Provided psychological services to students through Student Health Services Center on campus (1991). He was one of the first to develop online classes. His first online [hybrid] class for "Aging, Dying, & Death" rolled out in 1999--a decade ago.  

2002 - 2005: Department Chair. Department of behavioral Sciences. Santa Rosa Junior College.  

1990 - 1992: Mental Health Counselor, Sonoma County Mental Health Department. Forensic Division. Provide Clinical Counseling to Sonoma County prison inmates through Sonoma Sheriff's Department (per diem).  

1979 - Present: Psychotherapist. Private Practice. Primary referral resource for several physicians in San Francisco Bay Area. Consultant to forensic and legal professionals within criminal justice system. Provide special training, education and seminars on regular basis. (Have been providing counseling and psychotherapy for over 25 years) Offices in San Francisco and Sonoma County.  

1990. Consultant: Home Hospice of Sonoma County. Provide Organizational, Programmatic and Clinical Consultation to Executive Director and Program Directors. (90 day contract)  

1985 - 1989: Managing Supervisor, Child Abuse Investigation. Family and Children's Services Division. Department of Social Services. City of San Francisco. Also: Program Development, Staff Teaching/Training, Counseling (EAP) and supervision (7-27 masters level professionals at varying times) for the following well regarded programs:  

- Family Preservation Project. Grant, Edna McConnell Clark Foundation  
- Early Primary Child Abuse Prevention Project. Grant, The Steward Foundation  
- Bay Area Child Welfare Training Project Risk Assessment Development Committee with Youth Law Project  
- Chair, Social Work Practice Committee, Child Welfare League of America's Implementation Committee for the City of San Francisco's Department of Social Services  
- Managing Supervisor, "Standby 24 System" -- 24 City-Wide Child Abuse Hotline  
- AIDS Forensic Task Force, City of San Francisco  

1979 - 1985: Senior Adjunct Instructor. College of Professional Studies. University of San Francisco. Instruct in Human Relations and Organizational Behavior. Associated with "Fortune 500" companies. Eight classroom hours per week. Two of my students within four years won campus-wide "Distinguished Research Project Awards."  

1981 - Present: Consultant to public and private sector EAP programs regarding cross-cultural issues, human relations, stress management, community awareness training, program evaluation, assessment and mental health issues surrounding AIDS.  

1979 - 1982: Director, Office of Refugee Affairs. City & County of San Francisco. Liaison, Office of the Mayor, the Honorable Dianne Feinstein. Involved in resettlement of over 32,000 refugees to San Francisco. Recognized expert on cultural and cross-cultural aspects of newcomers to American society. Received several commendations including Senator Dianne Feinstein [as Mayor of San Francisco].  

1977 - 1979: Deputy Project Director and "Principal Investigator:" A Federal Demonstration Project. Project mandated with developing standards for California's $72 million a year residential Foster Care program. Published 450 page book: Guidelines for Developing Standards for Fiscal and Residential Care of Children in Foster Care and Institutions National review favorable. Consultant, California State Department of Social Services and Legislative Task Force on Residential Treatment.  

1976 - 1978: Counselor, S. F. Juvenile Hall. Provided counseling, teaching and assisted in development and staffing of innovative "Crisis Intervention Unit" for San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department. Lead counselor for one year in Maximum Security Unit of Juvenile Hall. Promoted through the ranks to Juvenile Probation Officer, and transferred into California State Parole Officer program. 

1974 - 1976: Visiting Senior Instructor. University of Science. Pinang, Malaysia. Instructor in Psychiatric Social Work. Pinang School of Nursing. Pinang, Malaysia. Psychiatric Social Work, Department of Psychiatry. Pinang General Hospital. Pinang, Malaysia. (United States Peace Corps)  

1972 - 1974: Instructor. Cross Cultural Relations, Communications, Sociology and Psychology. City College of San Francisco. Curriculum Consultant, the Arriba Juntos Campus/CCSF. Assisted in development of first Associate Arts (AA) Degree program in Business Administration for community organizations in the Mission District of San Francisco.  

1972 - 1973: Chief Organizer/Business Agent. Local 535 SEIU-AFL-CIO. Major influence in birth and development of Social Workers Union in San Francisco's Department of Social Services. Worked extensively with development of Employee Assistance Program (EAP).  

1970 - 1972: Undergraduate Teaching Intern. "Inner City Schools Tutorial Program" Assignment: Harlem, New York. Taught psychology classes at the high school level. Received scholarship for innovative teaching style.  

1968 - 1970: Chief-of-Student-Counselors. Alderson Federal Penitentiary for Women. Alderson, West Virginia. Coordinated student interns from surrounding colleges and universities; provided skills training, and individual counseling.  


Presentations and Publications

Mannino, J. D. (2002). Sexual Themes and Variations.  A comprehensive human sexuality textbook. Revised 2014 - 2016. 

(2002). Human Sexuality: Exercises and Activities. San Francisco: Teddybear Publishing.  

(2002). Grave Concerns A consumer guide to major issues in dying, death, grief, and recovery. [Completed manuscript ready for publication.]  

(1999). Sexually Speaking Boston:  McGraw-Hill Publishing.  

(1997). Grieving, Days, Healing Days: A Practical Interactive Workbook for Understanding Death and Dying. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. A Division of Simon and Schuster Publishing.  

(1996-2000). We The People, Sonoma County, California. Monthly newspaper columnist for psychology- related topics.  

(1994). Psychology Super Shell. Wrote computerized interactive student tutorial for the Psychology textbook written by Philip Zimbardo and Ann Weber. Harper Collins. Both IBM and Apple compatible.  

(1992, May). "Harvest Not of Thorns, A Cultural Commentary." Finalis: A Multicultural Magazine. Santa Rosa Junior College, pp. 20-23.  

(1991, May 15). Death, Dying, Suicide, and Grief Issues in Childhood and Youth.Training Program. California Achievement Centers, Inc. St. Helena, California.  

(1988). The Relationship of Child Abuse and Other Characteristics Among Young Adult Male Prostitutes. Doctoral Dissertation, University of San Francisco, 141 pp.  

(1986). A Guide To Reporting: Eligibility Workers and Child Abuse Reporting Laws. San Francisco: Department of Social Services, 6 pp.  

(1986). Child Abuse: Medical and Non-Medical Practitioner's Responsibilities. San Francisco: Department of Social Services, 24 pp.  

(1986, January 12). "The Mental Health Aspects of A.I.D.S." Presentation before the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists. San Francisco Chapter.  

(1986, January 31). "Shrink For Hire: Ethical Marketing Strategies for Mental Health Professionals," Panel presentation before the National Association of Social Workers' San Francisco Bay Area Chapter Marketing Seminar. San Francisco, California.  

(1986, January). "The Shrinking of America: Ten Tips for Choosing a Psychotherapist."  Newsletter of the Golden Gate Business Association. San Francisco, California.  

(1985, June 26). "A Forum: Prostitution: Female and Male, Adolescent and Adult." Expert panelist representing the Forensic Division, San Francisco Department of Public Health.  

(1985, June). Every Three Hours: Child Abuse in San Francisco. A Report on Services to Families and Children for the Technical Advisory Committee to the Family and Children's Division. San Francisco Department of Social Services, 87 pp.  

(1985, October 1). "The Relevant Mental Health Issues of AIDS for Medical Health Practitioners". AIDS Awareness Conference." O'Connor Hospital, San Jose, California and Santa Clara Department of Public Health. Major Presenter.  

(1985, September 4). Save The Children: Child Abuse Review. Program Coordinator and Major Presenter, Topic: "Senate Bill 14 and Requirements for Mandated Reporters of Allegation of Abuse, Neglect and Sexual Exploitation of Children." San Francisco Child Abuse Council and Departments of Public Health and Social Services.  

(1985, June 27 - August 8 - ). Stress Reduction Group Therapist A.I.D.S. Health Project. San Francisco A.I.D.S. Foundation. This group of thirteen high risk Gay males met for two hours once a week for six weeks.  

(1985, March). "When Victim Becomes Perpetrator." Brief Sessions Column. I.D.S Networks.  

(1985, April). "Listening: The Forgotten Skill," Brief Sessions Column. I.D.S. Networks.  

(1985, January 24). "Requiem for a Hustler." Guest Column.  Bay Area Reporter. 

(1985, June ). "Now a Word from the Right," [Right Brain creativity exercises] I.D.S./Networks.  

& Seidler, P. (1985). San Francisco Police Department Community Awareness Training Program Manual, l2 pp.  

(1984, March). "When Women Are Free So Will Men Be!" The New Castro Times

(1984, January). "The 50 Minute Profession." The New Castro Times.  

(1984, December). "Battered Women." Brief Sessions Column. Newsletter of the Golden Gate Business Association. 

(1984, February). "The shrinking of America." The New Castro Times.  

(1984, November). "Facts on Alcoholism." Brief Sessions Column. Newsletter of the Golden Gate Business Association. San Francisco, California.  

(1983, June). A.I.D.S. Briefing Book. Jail Medical Services, Forensic Division, San Francisco Department of Public Health.  

(1983, March). "Where Angels Dare To Care." Feature Cover Story. Castro Times. 

(1983, January). "Athlete's Journal." Castro Times. 

(1983, May). "Bringing Death Out of the Closet: Reflections on Dying in the Gay Community." Castro Times.  

(1982, March 26-31). "Refugees, Employment and Reality."  Eighth Annual SIETAR Conference: "Strategies for Cultural Stability and Change International Society for Intercultural Education, Training, and Research, Queen Mary, Long Beach, California.  

(1982, June 10). "The Running Mind." Guest Column. Bay Area Reporter.  

(1979 -1982). Editor, San Francisco Refugee Informational Profile. A monthly publication of the Office of Refugee Affairs, San Francisco Department of Social Services.  

(1981, May 8-9). "Public Systems: Making them Accommodate More of the People More of the Time," The Health of New Californians Symposium. San Francisco, California.  

(1981, February). "California Regional Refugee Consultation," Indochinese Refugee Action Center. Redondo Beach, California. Representing the Office of the Honorable Mayor Dianne Feinstein.  

(1981, April 2-3). "Refugees: The State of The City,"  Regional Consultation, Church World Service and Lutheran Immigration & Refugee Services. San Francisco, California. 

(1980, November). "The Public Sector's Response to Refugee Resettlement in San Francisco and California."  National Conference of Christians and Jews.  

(1980, February). "A Matter of Concern: Refugees." San Francisco Prayer Breakfast Club. 

(1979). Final Report: A Look at the Indochinese Refugee Assistance Program in San Francisco. Report to the Mayor. City & County of San Francisco, 90 pp.  

(1979). Childrens' Residential Foster Care Rate-Setting Manual: A Total System for Government and Private Provider. State of California, United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare and The City & County of San Francisco, 350 pp.  

(1979, November). "Refugees: Challenge for the 80's."  Network Conference. San Francisco State University.  

& Navaratnam, V. (1975, April 13-20). "Prevention of Drug Abuse in Malaysia: Some Preliminary Findings of A Research Program on Sociological Aspects of Drug Abuse." The National Seminar on Drug Abuse. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  

(1974). "Kids and Discrimination Don't Mix!" Expert Testimony before the San Francisco Board of Supervisors concerning: Housing Discrimination Against Parents with Children in San Francisco, California.  

(1973). Essays On The American Public Housing Crisis. Graduate Masters of Social Work thesis requirement, San Francisco State University.  

(1973). Contributor. Peaces and Pieces: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poetry. Murice Custodio, et. al., Eds. Peace & Pieces Press. San Francisco, California, 200 pp. 


Honors and Awards

2014 - Santa Rosa Junior College. Faculty Fund for Advanced Studies. A financial grant. Only one of six awarded in 2014.  

2008 - Santa Rosa Junior College. Psychology Discipline, Department of Behavioral Sciences. Online Curriculum Development and Online Instruction award.  

2005 - Santa Rosa Junior College. Innovated Use of Technology in the Classroom Award.  

2001 - Santa Rosa Junior College Grant Recipient. Purpose: Development of online courses for Psychology 56, Death and Dying and Psychology 1A, Introduction to Psychology.  

2001 - Certificate of Appreciation - Santa Rosa Junior College and Sonoma State University "Mentor-Mentee" program for developing quality California Community College professors in the field of Psychology.  

2001 - Santa Rosa Junior College. Distinguished Faculty Curriculum Development Award.  

2001 - Grant Recipient, "Fund for Program Innovation and Development (CFPID)," Santa Rosa Junior College. Grant Proposal Title: "Enhancing 'Large Lecture Load' Teaching With Internet- Based Education and Technology." 

2001 - 2009 - Honoree,  Who's Who in America.  

1999 - Santa Rosa Junior College Distinguished Faculty Publication Award. Book: Grieving Days, Healing Days, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999.  

1998 - Sonoma County Positive Images Award. Presented for sensitivity to the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community in general, and students in particular.  

1988 - Letter of Commendation, California Senator, Hon. Dianne Feinstein. Outstanding Director of Refugee Affairs, City of San Francisco.  

1987 - 2009 - Honoree, Who's Who in the West.  

1985 - Outstanding Community Service Award, S. F. Golden Gate Business Association. Community Awareness Training, San Francisco Police Academy.  

1979 - 1989 - Several Olympic Distance Marathons (26.2 miles each), including: Golden Gate Marathon, San Francisco Marathon, 1985; Honolulu Marathon, 1979, Gay Games Marathon; Newport Beach, as well as others.