Fall 2024

Section 0109 of COUN53
Strategies for College Success -- : Aug 19 - Dec 13 2024
This section is taught 100% online with no required Zoom component.

Section 0608 of COUN60
Effective Study Workshop -- : Sep 16 - Nov 03 2024

Section 3053 of COUN60
Effective Study Workshop -- : Oct 28 - Nov 17 2024
This section is for students enrolled in the Piner High School/SRJC Early College Magnet Program and is taught 100% online.

Section 3054 of COUN60
Effective Study Workshop -- : Nov 04 - Nov 24 2024
This section is for students enrolled in the Piner High School/SRJC Early College Magnet Program and is taught 100% online.

Spring 2024

Section 4630 of COUN53
Strategies for College Success -- : Jan 16 - May 17 2024
This class is taught 100% online in Canvas with no required Zoom component.

No office hours

Master's Degree in School Counseling and Marriage, Family, Child Counseling, Sonoma State University

Doctorate in International and Multicultural Education, University of San Francisco

Community College Counselor and Psychology Instructor Credentials

30+ years experience Counseling and instruction at SRJC

22 years, now emeritus, Psychology/Counselor professor at Yuba College, Clearlake, CA

Have also taught at Sonoma State University Counseling and American Multicultural Studies 'Departments, and  Kansai Gaidai Hawaii College in Hawaii.


Counseling 53: College Success


Title:  The Essential Guide to Becoming a Master Student: Making the career connection

by Dave Ellis 6e

isbn student edition:  978-000000-357-79217-9

Loose leaf:


Note: There is also an ebook available from the SRJC bookstore or Cengage publishing


Counseling 60: Effective Study Strategies:

Textbook:  Becoming a Successful Student, by Martin. Available in the bookstore.

Dr. Heidi Morgan