Fall 2024

Section 0156 of LL505
Discussion Group -- : Aug 22 - Dec 19 2024
Class focuses on Aging Gayfully. Class provides a safe and supportive opportunity for LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning) older adults to learn and practice optimal aging strategies, share personal aging experiences and create caring connections.

Summer 2024

Section 8946 of OA505
Discussion Group -- : Jun 20 - Aug 08 2024
Class focuses on Aging Gayfully. Class provides a safe and supportive opportunity for LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning) older adults to learn and practice optimal aging strategies, share personal aging experiences and create caring connections.

Spring 2024

Section 5121 of OA505
Discussion Group -- : Jan 18 - May 23 2024
Class focuses on aging gayfully. Class provides a safe supportive opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning peers to practice optimal aging strategies, share personal aging experiences and create supportive connections

No office hours

BA San Francisco State University

MA New College of California

WYSE International Elder Workshops, Italy (2009-2012)

Eldership Academy Workshop, Italy 2017

Sage-ing International Conferences and Workshops

Gary "Buz" Hermes has worked in human services his entire career, including designing and implementing programs for persons with disabilities and seniors.  For the last 35 years he has also served as an advocate on behalf of the LGBT community..  Most recently he has focused on combining his passionate research into conscious aging strategies with his years of experience working with seniors to serve his aging LGBT peers.  He has been teaching "Aging Gayfully!" workshops and classes since Fall 2015.

Work and Consulting Experience


SRJC Lifelong Learning Program Adjunct Faculty

LGBT Aging Consultant

LGBT Seniors Discussion Group Co-Facilitator:  Sonoma Valley LGBT Seniors


LGBT Aging Consultant:  Sonoma County Adult and Aging Services

LGBT Seniors Discussion Group Facilitator: The Spahr Center, Marin County

Senior Services Coordinator:   Mercy Housing, Marin County; PEP Housing, Sonoma County

Seniors Program Staff Member:  Spectrum Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Concerns, Marin

Program Coordinator: Kairos Support for Caregivers, San Francisco

Program Manager: Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA), Marin Housing Authority




Professional Areas of Interest

LGBT Aging Issues

Conscious Aging Strategies


We lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) elders have another layer of concerns on top of the usual challenges of aging.  Those concerns might include low self-esteem after many years of having to living in a hostile culture, fear of continuing judgment and discrimination by healthcare, homecare and aging service providers, isolation and loneliness due to loss of peers and lack of family support, and lack of financial security due to having worked in a low-paying career.  The "Aging Gayfully!" classes address those concerns in addition to the usual aging challenges through weekly presentations of a relevant topic or resource followed by a facilitated group discussion.  In addition, students frequently form supportive connections with each other that extend outside of the class.

Presentations and Publications

Presenter on innovative senior programs at conferences of National Association of Area Agencies on Aging, American Society on Aging, California Association of Homes and Services for the Aging, National Association of Service Coordinators.