Spring 2025

Section 4927 of FREN2
Elementary French-Part 2 -- : Jan 14 - May 15 2025
Choose how you attend each class session: (1) in class physically, or (2) completing all course work asynchronously (e.g. via Canvas). You have the flexibility to attend in the format you choose from one class meeting to the next, as your schedule permits.

Section 5054 of FREN1
Elementary French-Part 1 -- : Jan 14 - May 15 2025
Choose how you attend each class session: (1) in class physically, or (2) completing all course work asynchronously (e.g. via Canvas). You have the flexibility to attend in the format you choose from one class meeting to the next, as your schedule permits.

Section 6070 of FREN1
Elementary French-Part 1 -- : Jan 13 - May 16 2025
This section has no regularly scheduled meetings. Students are expected to have access to a functional computer with internet access and webcam for viewing, recording, and uploading videos and texts.

Section 6380 of FREN1
Elementary French-Part 1 -- : Apr 02 - Apr 02 2025
This section is credit by exam that will be located at Casa Grande High School in Petaluma. Please contact an SRJC counselor for any individual concerns about eligibility or requirements to take the credit by exam. Please email the instructor at epetit@santarosa.edu to get an add code. For more information go to the Credit by Exam for French 1 webpage

Section 6517 of FREN3
Intermediate French-Part 1 -- : Jan 13 - May 16 2025
This section has no regularly scheduled meetings. Students are expected to have access to a functional computer with internet access and webcam for viewing, recording, and uploading videos and texts.

Section 7275 of FREN1
Elementary French-Part 1 -- : Apr 16 - Apr 16 2025
This section is for Credit by Exam. Please contact an SRJC counselor for any individual concerns about eligibility or requirements to take the Credit by Exam. Please email the instructor at epetit@santarosa.edu to get an add code. For more information go to the Credit by Exam for French 1 webpage

Fall 2024

Section 0355 of FREN1
Elementary French-Part 1 -- : Aug 19 - Dec 13 2024
This section has no scheduled meetings. Students are expected to have access to a functional computer with internet access and webcam for viewing, recording, and uploading videos and texts.

Section 0920 of FREN4
Intermediate French-Part 2 -- : Sep 09 - Dec 13 2024
This is a late start section that has no scheduled meetings. Students are expected to have access to a functional computer with internet access and webcam for viewing, recording, and uploading videos and texts.

Section 1017 of FREN1
Elementary French-Part 1 -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
Choose how you attend each class session: (1) in class physically, or (2) completing all course work asynchronously (e.g. via Canvas). You have the flexibility to attend in the format you choose from one class meeting to the next, as your schedule permits.

Section 1022 of FREN2
Elementary French-Part 2 -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
Choose how you attend each class session: (1) in class physically, or (2) completing all course work asynchronously (e.g. via Canvas). You have the flexibility to attend in the format you choose from one class meeting to the next, as your schedule permits.

Section 1949 of FREN1
Elementary French-Part 1 -- : Nov 12 - Nov 12 2024
This section is for credit by exam. Please contact an SRJC counselor for any individual concerns about eligibility or requirements to take the Credit By Exam. Students are required to make themselves available online with a functioning internet, mic, and camera on for the duration of the exam. Please email the instructor at epetit@santarosa.edu to get an add code. For more information go to the Credit by Exam for French 1 webpage

No office hours

2017 Ph.D., Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Dissertation: Enhancing Visual and Critical Media Literacy in Foreign Language Classrooms through Media Production and Digital Narratives: Students’ Voice and Agency.
Minor in Multidisciplinary Studies – Semiotics, Media Arts, French Cinema.

2013 Master of Arts in French. Concentration in Teaching French as a Foreign Language, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

2010 Master of Arts in Francophone Studies, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA.

1999 Maîtrise FLE “Français Langue Etrangère”: Educational degree to teach French as a foreign language. University of Perpignan, France.

1995 Licence de Lettres Modernes, University of Perpignan, France.


2015 Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF): Certification by the International Center of Pedagogical Studies (CIEP_https://www.ciep.fr/en/tcf), Sèvres, France.

2006 Foreign Language Elementary and Middle School Certification (French PK – 8th; Language Arts Immersion French 6th- 8th) by the State Department of Education of

Dr. Elyse B. Petit, a native of southern France, is Faculty and Program Coordinator in French at Santa Rosa Junior College, California. Before earning her Ph.D. in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching at the University of Arizona, she taught French as a Foreign Language in K-12 settings in France and the United States. Her research interests focus on designing curricula grounded in Multiliteracies and Slow Teaching approaches. She is currently working on developing open resource materials to support equity and foster languaculture and social justice awareness.


Professional Areas of Interest



Presentations and Publications


Petit, E. (2022). Je suis Charlie: addressing social justice issues through the lens of critical media literacy. In: Davidson, K., Johnson, S., & Randolph. L.J (eds) How we take Action: Social Justice in K-16 Language Classrooms. (Age Publishing)

Petit, Elyse. (2020). Digital storytelling for developing students’ agency through the process of design: a case study. In Dupuy, Béatrice; Grosbois, Muriel (Eds), Language learning and professionalization in higher education: pathways to preparing learners and teachers in/for the 21st century (pp. 137-166). Research-publishing.net.

Petit, E. (June 2018). Promouvoir les littéracies visuelles et médiatiques à travers l’analyse et la production de textes multimodaux dans les cours de langues. In the
Réseaux Sociaux Traces Numériques Communication Electronique, Actes du Colloque International, Le Havre, France.

Michelson, K., & Petit, E. (2017). Becoming Social Actors: Designing a Global Simulation for Situated Language and Culture Learning. AAUSC 2017 Volume-Issue
in Engaging the World: Social Pedagogies and Language Learning,

Durand, A-P., Petit, E. (2014). The Teaching of French and Digital Humanities. In the Communication Electronique, Cultures and Identités, Actes du Colloque International, Le Havre. Klog. 225 -232

Dupuy, B., Michelson, K., & Petit, E. (2013). Fostering multiliteracies through a global simulation approach in intermediate French: A curricular project. In The Language Resource, a monthly publication of the National Capital Resource Center, 17(1).


Petit, E., White, B., Dubosson, A.S. (2020, October 25). Revisiting Foreign Language curriculum through the implementation of the Slow Teaching and Multiliteracies pedagogical approaches. Paper for presentation at the Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), Nashville, Tennessee.

2020 Petit, E., McGinley, M. (2020, February 15). Promoting Student Engagement with Digital Journals in Foreign Language Courses. Paper for presentation at the Northeast
Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL), New-York City, NY

Petit, E. (2019, July 16). Encourager l’interculturalité et la prise de position par l’intégration de projets numériques en classe de langue. Paper for presentation at the AATF
Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Petit, E. (June 2018). Promouvoir les littéracies visuelles et médiatiques à travers l’analyse et la production de textes multimodaux dans les cours de langues. Paper for presentation at the Réseaux Sociaux Traces Numériques Communication Electronique International Colloquium, Le Havre, France.

Petit, E. & Dupuy, B. (2017, May 18). Digital Social Reading: Affordances of digital social annotation tools for literacy development in the L2 French intermediate classroom. Paper for presentation at the CALICO conference, Flagstaff, Arizona.

Petit, E. & Michelson, K. (2017, March 3). Engaging L2 learners in authentic discourse communities through a Global Simulation pedagogy. Paper for presentation at the
Southwest Conference on Language Teaching (SWCOLT), Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Petit, E. (2016, July 6). De la pop culture aux attaques terroristes: l’éducation aux médias en classe de français langue étrangère. Paper for presentation at the AATF Annual Conference, Austin, Texas.