Fall 2024

Section 0903 of EMLS716
Noncredit High-Intermediate English -- : Oct 15 - Dec 11 2024
This class will be held at the Santa Rosa Campus, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Registration for this class will begin on September 30, 2024 and will be restricted on October 24, 2024. This is a combination class with EMLS 715, Section 2238. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 1838 of EMLS715
Noncredit Low-Intermediate English -- : Aug 19 - Oct 14 2024
This class will be held at the Santa Rosa Campus, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Registration for this class will be restricted on August 29, 2024.

Section 2238 of EMLS715
Noncredit Low-Intermediate English -- : Oct 15 - Dec 11 2024
This class will be held at the Santa Rosa Campus, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Registration for this class will begin on September 30, 2024 and will be restricted on October 24, 2024. This class is in combination with EMLS 716, Section 0903. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 3055 of EMLS770
Supplemental Instruction: EMLS -- : Aug 19 - Dec 14 2024
This is FREE online tutoring on Zoom for multilingual students. Students taking EMLS classes online or on the Santa Rosa Campus will be enrolled in this section during the first weeks of the semester. You will receive an email with more information. You can also register yourself just as you would any other class. Questions? Call the EMLS Department at (707) 527-4382.

Spring 2024

Section 5637 of ESL715
Low Intermediate Non-Credit English as a Second Language -- : Jan 16 - Mar 12 2024
This class will be held at Santa Rosa Campus, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. Registration for this class will be restricted on January 25, 2024.

Section 5671 of ESL715
Low Intermediate Non-Credit English as a Second Language -- : Mar 25 - May 16 2024
This class will be held at Santa Rosa Campus, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. This is a combination class with ESL 716, Section 5676. Your instructor will provide more details. Registration for this class will begin on March 4 and will be restricted on April 4, 2024.

Section 5676 of ESL716
High Intermediate Non-Credit English as a Second Language -- : Mar 25 - May 16 2024
This class will be held at Santa Rosa Campus, 1501 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401. This is a combination class with ESL 715, Section 5671. More details will be provided by the instructor. Registration for this class will begin on March 4 and will be restricted on April 4, 2024.

Section 5716 of ESL770
Supplemental Instruction: ESL -- : Jan 16 - May 17 2024
This is free IN-PERSON ESL tutoring on the Santa Rosa campus in Maggini 2802. Students can walk in to see a tutor (no appointment necessary) on Mondays and Tuesdays 8:00am to 9:00am and on Mondays through Thursdays 12:30pm to 2:30 and 5:00pm to 6:30pm. There is no afternoon tutoring on February 13. All ESL 781 and credit ESL students will be enrolled in this section during the first weeks of the semester. You will receive an email with more information. You can also register yourself just as you would any other class. See the ESL tutoring schedule here: https://esl.santarosa.edu/esl-tutoring-learning-center-tlc. Questions? Call the ESL Department at (707) 527-4382.

No office hours

MA TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) San Francisco State University, 2003

Teaching credentials: Multiple Subject BCLAD, Single Subjects French and German, 1997

BA Language Studies, UC Santa Cruz, 1992