Fall 2024

Section 0470 of LL502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Aug 22 - Dec 19 2024
Class focuses on memoir writing.

Section 0472 of LL502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Aug 20 - Dec 17 2024
Class focuses on memoir writing.

Section 2094 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 21 - Dec 18 2024
Class focuses on Gentle chair Yoga for all body types

Section 2151 of LL502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Aug 21 - Dec 18 2024
Class focuses on memoir writing.

Section 2156 of LL502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Aug 20 - Dec 17 2024
Class focuses on mindfulness and journaling practice as a form of self-exploration. Each class will include discussion, mindfulness practice, and journal writing.

Summer 2024

Section 8031 of OA502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Jun 26 - Aug 07 2024
Class focuses on memoir writing.

Section 8183 of OA502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Jun 20 - Aug 08 2024
Class focuses on memoir writing.

Section 8192 of OA502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Jun 25 - Aug 13 2024
Class focuses on memoir writing.

Section 8295 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jun 26 - Aug 07 2024
Class focuses on gentle chair yoga for all body types and abilities.

Spring 2024

Section 4993 of OA502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Jan 17 - May 22 2024
Class focuses on memoir writing.

Section 5801 of OA502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Jan 16 - May 21 2024
Class focuses on memoir writing.

Section 5825 of OA502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Jan 18 - May 23 2024
Class focuses on memoir writing.

Section 5954 of OA502
Autobiographical Writing for Older Adults -- : Jan 16 - May 21 2024
Class focuses on mindfulness and journaling practice as a form of self-exploration. Each class will include discussion, mindfulness practice, and journal writing.

Section 5955 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jan 17 - May 22 2024
Class focuses on gentle chair yoga for all body types and abilities.

No office hours

B.A. - Humanities: Activism & Social Change
M.A. - Humanities: Culture, Ecology & Sustainable Community

RYT- 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training

Academic Experience

Older Adult Program memoir instructor since 2014

Dani Burlison is the editor and creator of the anthology “All of Me: Stories of Love, Anger and the Female Body,” (PM Press, 2019), and the author of a short story collection, “Some Places Worth Leaving” (Tolsun Books, 2020), and “Dendrophilia and Other Social Taboos: True Stories,” a collection of essays which first appeared in her McSweeney's Internet Tendency column of the same name. Dani has been a staff writer at a Bay Area alt-weekly, a book reviewer for Los Angeles Review and a regular contributor at Yes! MagazineChicago Tribune, KQED Arts, The Rumpus, and Made Local Magazine. Her writing can also be found at Ms. MagazineEarth Island JournalWIRED, Utne, The Writer, Portland Review, Ploughshares, Vestal Review, Hip Mama Magazine, Rad Dad, Spirituality & Health Magazine, Shareable, Bike Monkey Magazine, Tahoma Literary Review, Prick of the Spindle, and more. She is an alumna of The Squaw Valley Community of Writers, Mendocino Coast Writers Conference, and LitCamp.