Fall 2024
Section 1993 of BIO10
Introduction to Principles of Biology -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
Section 2314 of BIO10
Introduction to Principles of Biology -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
On LEAVE until FA25, when the following info will apply
FA25: BIO10, Sec 2314 (Class meetings on Petaluma Campus, and all taught by Dr. Galt)
Lectures (twice per week) PC657 Call Bldg.
Mon & Wed, 10:30am-11:50pm, 8/18/2025 - 12/10/2025
Labs (twice per week) PC 313 (left of Library)
Mon & Wed, 12:30pm-2:30pm, 9/03/2025 - 12/03/2025 [NOTE late start date for labs]
Office hoursPC667 (in Faculty Offices, across hall from PC657, before lecture)
M & W, 9:30-10:15am (Before lectures). Please try to inform me if you are coming to office hours; and you can make appointment for other times.
Email contact: Please email me via the Canvas Inbox or at cgalt@santarosa.edu
Our Canvas Page: canvas.santarosa.edu
BA, UC Santa Barbara, Mathematics (1965)
MS, University of Washington, Seattle, Zoology (1970)
PhD, University of Washington, Seattle, Zoology (1972)
1972-1973, Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Florida State University, Tallahassee
1973-2006, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, California State University, Long Beach
1975, 1976 (Summers), Visiting Adjunct Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Washington, Seattle
2007-2025, Adjunct/Associate Faculty, Department of Biological Sciences, Santa Rosa Junior College (Petaluma Campus)
After teaching marine biology, plankton biology, and general biology at California State University, Long Beach for 33 years, I retired to Petaluma in 2004. Since 2007, I've been teaching General Biology (BIO 10) at the Petaluma Campus of Santa Rosa Junior College and loving it! COVID-19 brought challenges, but we are now back in the classroom on campus.
Marine Biology, Marine Zooplankton Biology/Ecology, Bioluminescence, General Biology
I am on leave until FA25, at which time I will update the following for FA25 BIO10 Sec 2314 (Petaluma campus)
As of July 02, my FA24 BIO10 (Secs 1993, 2314) is full and closed to new enrollments, including one on the official A&R Waitlist. All of those people will be admitted (including those officially waitlisted). See below for more info on adding, but your best bet to get in is to keep an eye on the BIO10 listing in the online Schedule of Classes, and if it says "waitlist" or "open", indicating one or more spaces, then rush to enroll.
We will take a maximum of 25 students in each section in the Fall. Prior to start of class, some people will adjust their schedules and may drop BIO10, so spaces may open up. Otherwise get on my personal wait list (see below)
I can add more to the class ONLY if enrolled students fail to show up on the first day (Aug 19, 2024). I cannot give out add codes until then. PLEASE let me know if you are on my personal waitlist but no longer need to enroll.
The following information pertains to those wishing to add the class:
1) If you are on the official A&R roster OR Waitlist, you WILL be admitted to the class on the first day (you MUST attend first day!)
2) You can try to add the class on your own from time to time, in case people drop before the class begins. THIS OFTEN WORKS! Check the online class schedule to see if there is space, or just try to enroll.
3) I CANNOT give out add codes until the first day of class, Monday, August 19, 2024, and then ONLY if enrolled students fail to show up.
4) However, if you would like to ADD the class, email me at cgalt@santarosa.edu and ask to be added to my personal wait list -- give me your name, best email, student ID (last four digits), and contact phone number. Also add something about your particular situation, study program, need, status at SRJC (class level), major, etc. Why do you need the class?
5) Often some people fail to show up on the first day, and I may be able to add 1-2 people from my personal wait-list, in the order that I receive your request.
6) Whether you are in the class or you want to add, you MUST attend the first class meeting on Monday. August 19, 2024, 11am. This is a wholly in-person class. IF enrolled students fail to show up, I can add students in the order I have received their requests OR by other criteria I deem significant. I will communicate with enrolled students frequently in early August, concerning tasks to do prior to class, etc. I will open our Canvas site in early August. NOTE: ENROLLED STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND FIRST DAY WILL BE DROPPED!!!
7) IF YOU WANT TO COME TO FIRST CLASS to ADD, you MUST EMAIL ME during the week before classes begin to re-confirm your interest.
8) The Lab part of the class does not meet during the first 2 1/2 weeks. The first lab meeting is Wednesday Sep 04. Labs meet in Rm PC313 twice a week on Monday AND Wednesday, either before lecture (Sec 1993, 8:30-10:30am) or after lecture (Sec 2314, 12:30-2:30pm). Contact Dr. Bradley for more information at pbradley@santarosa.edu.
9) If you have questions, please email me at cgalt@santarosa.edu
Our Canvas web page is not yet open; I will open it around August 5, 2024.
Meanwhile, NOTE THIS: Our textbook is Campbell Essential Biology with Physiology (6th ed.) and it comes with a required access code for the textbook web site, MyLab and Mastering (Modified Mastering). PLEASE wait until our Canvas site is open to register your access code for MyLab&Mastering!! DO NOT attempt to register your access code directly on the masteringbiology.com web site. You must do it from within our Canvas course site. More information on our Canvas site.
Note, too, that if you buy your textbook online, used, or rental, it may not come with a valid access code. In that case you will have to buy one online (again, from within Canvas) for about $75. Take that into account for any purchase considerations.
- Some students get by without a textbook or they use an older edition or they use the eText version only.
- This semester we will use a NEW lab manual, published in July 2024. It will be used in BIO10 on both campuses. If you try to find it on Amazon, be SURE to get the correct, new manual!
Corona Virus Information links for SRJC: https://www.santarosa.edu/coronavirus-information
Schedule of Classes (NEW): https://portal.santarosa.edu/SRWeb/MVC.Core2/ScheduleOfClasses2/Home
Schedule of Classes (Legacy): https://portal.santarosa.edu/SRWeb/SR_ScheduleOfClasses.aspx
Petaluma Campus bookstore for textbook purchase online: https://www.bkstr.com/santarosa-petalumastore/home/en
Student Health Services introductory video: https://shs.santarosa.edu/shs-videos