Fall 2024

Section 2210 of LL581
Musical Experience -- : Aug 27 - Dec 17 2024
Class focuses on the life and music of Johannes Brahms.

Section 2571 of LL581
Musical Experience -- : Aug 29 - Dec 19 2024
Class focuses on discovering mindfulness through music.

Summer 2024

Section 9003 of OA581
Musical Experience -- : Jun 18 - Jul 16 2024
Class focuses on the life and music of Amy Beach.

Spring 2024

Section 4569 of OA581
Musical Experience -- : Jan 16 - May 21 2024
Class focuses on the life and music of Johannes Brahms.

Section 4997 of OA581
Musical Experience -- : Jan 18 - Apr 25 2024
Class focuses on discovering mindfulness through music.

No office hours