Fall 2024

Section 1405 of MATH15
Elementary Statistics -- : Aug 20 - Dec 12 2024
Students are expected to do independent classwork and complete additional homework online. More details will be provided by the instructor. In addition, this section requires: Mandatory attendance during the first two class sessions/meetings, access to a computer (not a smart phone), Rguroo software, and use of Canvas. Less expensive/open source materials are used. All students are welcome to enroll in this class.

Section 1906 of ADLTED791
Personal Finance -- : Aug 27 - Oct 01 2024
This section is for IGNITE students, offered at the county jail and is restricted.

Section 1918 of ADLTED791
Personal Finance -- : Oct 15 - Nov 15 2024
This section is for IGNITE students, offered at the county jail and is restricted.

Section 2303 of CSKLS770
Supervised Tutoring -- : Aug 19 - Dec 20 2024
This section is tutoring at the STEM Success Center. Visit https://college-skills.santarosa.edu/srjc-tutorial-centers for more information.

Spring 2024

Section 4650 of CSKLS741
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 1 -- : Jan 17 - Mar 13 2024
This section for basic Math/Science instruction is in English and based on academic levels through 12th grade utilizing GED and HiSET curriculum. Students are expected to have access to a computer (not a smart phone) with reliable internet, in order to use online course materials.

Section 4698 of CSKLS741
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 1 -- : Mar 26 - May 16 2024
his section for basic Math/Science instruction is in English and based on academic levels through 12th grade utilizing GED and HiSET curriculum. Students are expected to have access to a computer (not a smart phone) with reliable internet, in order to use online course materials.

Section 4758 of CSKLS742
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 2 -- : Jan 16 - Mar 12 2024
This section for basic Math/Science instruction is in English and based on academic levels through 12th grade utilizing GED and HiSET curriculum. Students are expected to have access to a computer (not a smart phone) with reliable internet, in order to use online course materials.

Section 4769 of CSKLS742
Basic Academic Skills & GED Prep - Math/Science 2 -- : Mar 25 - May 20 2024
This section for basic Math/Science instruction is in English and based on academic levels through 12th grade utilizing GED and HiSET curriculum. Students are expected to have access to a computer (not a smart phone) with reliable internet, in order to use online course materials.

Section 4848 of CSKLS770
Supervised Tutoring -- : Jan 16 - May 24 2024
This section is tutoring at the STEM Center. Visit https://college-skills.santarosa.edu/srjc-tutorial-centers for more information.

No office hours

Fall 2024 Schedule

8:30 - 9:00 am Math 15 Math 15
Sec 1405
9:00 - 9:30 amSTEM TutoringSTEM TutoringSTEM Tutoring
9:30 - 10:00 am
10:00 - 10:30 am
10:30 - 11:00 amSCTSCT
11:00 - 11:30 am
11:30 - 12:00     
12:00 - 12:30     
12:30 - 1:00 pmSTEM Tutoring    
1:00 - 1:30 pmADLTED 791
(Until 11/15)
(Until 11/15)
(Until 11/15)
1:30 - 2:00 pmAFA Cabinet
Wks 2 & 4
2:00 - 2:30 pm
2:30 - 3:00 pm
3:00 - 3:30 pmPres. (1; 3:15 - 4)
CRC (2 & 4; 3:15 - 5)
Acad Sen (1 & 3)
AFA Exec (2 & 4)
3:30 - 4:00 pm
4:00 - 4:30 pm   
4:30 - 5:00 pm   

BSEE, CalTech, 1983
Commission - USAF, Officer Training School, 1983
M.A. (Math), Cal State Univ., Fresno, 1994
Secondary Teaching Credential, Fresno Pacific University, 1998
CCNA certificate, Fresno City College, 2003

I joined Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) in Fall 2012 as a College Skills/Tutorial Center faculty member, having relocated with my family from Fresno, CA.

My initial career prior to teaching was as an Electrical Engineer in the Silicon Valley, where I served for seven years.

During that time I experienced a strong impression/calling upon my life to become a teacher.  In 1990 I moved from the Silicon Valley to Fresno, CA, where I went back to school - obtaining both a Masters degree and Secondary Teaching Credential in Mathematics.

Since 1992 I have been involved with Mathematics education in some capacity - serving as a junior college instructor, high school mathematics and physics teacher, Curriculum Specialist (with UC Merced), and homeschooling dad (with my two daughters).  To say that teaching mathematics has been a passion for quite some time now would be an understatement, to say the least!

I consider it a privilege to work at SRJC, and look forward to serving the students here for many years to come!