Fall 2024

Section 2001 of EMLS712
Noncredit Beginning English Literacy -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
This class will be held at McDowell Elementary School (Petaluma Adult School Program) located at 421 S McDowell Blvd., Petaluma, CA 94952. Room A3. This is a combination class with EMLS 713, Section 2005. More details will be provided by the instructor. This class does not meet during the Thanksgiving week: 11/25/24-11/28/24.

Section 2005 of EMLS713
Noncredit Low-Beginning English -- : Aug 19 - Dec 11 2024
This class will be held at McDowell Elementary School (Petaluma Adult School Program) located at 421 S McDowell Blvd. Petaluma, CA 94952 Room A3. This is a combination class with EMLS 712, Section 2001. More details will be provided by the instructor. This class does not meet during the Thanksgiving week: 11/25/24-11/28/24.

Spring 2024

Section 5660 of ESL715
Low Intermediate Non-Credit English as a Second Language -- : Jan 17 - May 20 2024
This class will meet on Zoom on the days and times listed.

No office hours

Spring 2024 Office Hours

6-6:30pm via Zoom

Other times by arrangement

M. Ed. Adult Education, ESL specialization, Seattle University

B. A. Social Science and Spanish, The Evergreen State College