Fall 2024

Section 1084 of EMLS10
College Composition for Multilingual Students -- : Sep 17 - Dec 13 2024
This is a late start section that will meet in person on the day and time listed. Remaining content will be delivered asynchronously in Canvas. This is a combination class with EMLS 10, Section 1869. Your instructor will provide more details. All students are welcome to enroll in this class; and this section will have extra support from the Lanzamientoinitiative.

Section 1143 of EMLS781
NC Transitional Reading/Writing/Grammar for Multilingual Ss -- : Aug 19 - Dec 12 2024
This class meets on the Petaluma Campus on Mondays and on Zoom on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This is a combination class with EMLS 371 1410, EMLS 771 Section 2569, and EMSL 771 Section 1449. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 1410 of EMLS371
Intermediate Reading/Writing/Grammar for Multilingual Studen -- : Aug 19 - Dec 12 2024
This class meets on the Petaluma Campus on Mondays and on Zoom on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This is a combination class with EMLS 771 Section 1449, EMLS 771 Section 2569, and EMLS 781 Section 1143. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 1449 of EMLS771
Noncredit Intermediate English for Multilingual Students -- : Aug 19 - Dec 12 2024
This class meets on the Petaluma Campus on Mondays and on Zoom on Wednesdays and Thursdays. This is a combination class with EMLS 371 Section 1410, EMLS 771 Section 2569, and EMLS 781 Section 1143. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 1452 of EMLS770
Supplemental Instruction: EMLS -- : Aug 20 - Dec 12 2024
This is FREE online tutoring on Zoom for multilingual students. Your instructor is available every week on Monday from 6:00-6:30pm and Wednesday and Thursday from 5:30-6:30pm.Students taking EMLS classes on Petaluma Campus will be enrolled in this section during the first weeks of the semester. You can also register yourself just as you would any other class. Questions? Call the EMLS Department at (707) 527-4382.

Section 1869 of EMLS10
College Composition for Multilingual Students -- : Sep 17 - Dec 13 2024
This is a late start section that will meet on Zoom on the day and time listed. Remaining content will be delivered asynchronously in Canvas. This is a combination class with EMLS 10, Section 1084. Your instructor will provide more details. All students are welcome to enroll in this class; and this section will have extra support from the Lanzamientoinitiative.

Section 2569 of EMLS771
Noncredit Intermediate English for Multilingual Students -- : Aug 19 - Dec 12 2024
This class meets on Zoom on the days and times listed above. This is a combination class with EMLS 371 Section 1410, EMLS 771 Section 1449, and EMLS 781 Section 1143. Your instructor will provide more details.

Spring 2024

Section 4724 of ESL10
ESL College Composition -- : Jan 30 - May 17 2024
This class will have a required Zoom meeting on Tuesdays from 9am-12pm.

Section 4923 of ESL373CP
ESL Advanced Conversation/Pronunciation -- : Jan 16 - May 14 2024
This class will meet in person on the day and time listed. This is a combination class with ESL 373CP, Section 4930. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 4930 of ESL373CP
ESL Advanced Conversation/Pronunciation -- : Jan 16 - May 14 2024
This class will meet on Zoom on the day and time listed. This is a combination class with ESL 373CP, Section 4923. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 6044 of ESL371
Intermediate Reading/Writing/Grammar for ESL Students -- : Jan 17 - May 16 2024
This is a combination class with ESL 781 Section 6050. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 6050 of ESL781
Transitional Reading/Writing/Grammar for NC ESL Students -- : Jan 17 - May 16 2024
This is a combination class with ESL 371 Section 6044. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 6072 of ESL10
ESL College Composition -- : Jan 30 - May 17 2024
This is a late start short term section. All students are welcome to enroll in this class; and this section will have extra support from the Lanzamientoinitiative.

Section 6082 of ESL770
Supplemental Instruction: ESL -- : Jan 17 - May 15 2024
This is FREE ONLINE tutoring through the ESL Tutoring and Learning Center. All Petaluma ESL students will be enrolled in this section during the first weeks of the semester. You will receive an email with more information. You can also register yourself just as you would any other class. Questions? Call the ESL Department at (707) 527-4382.

Section 6409 of ESL10
ESL College Composition -- : Jan 17 - May 17 2024
This class will meet in person on Mondays and via Zoom on Wednesdays. Remaining content will be delivered asynchronously in Canvas. All students are welcome to enroll in this class; and this section will have extra support from the Lanzamientoinitiative.

No office hours