Fall 2024

Section 0454 of EMLS371
Intermediate Reading/Writing/Grammar for Multilingual Studen -- : Aug 19 - Dec 12 2024
This section will meet in person on the Santa Rosa Campus on Mondays and Tuesdays and on Zoom on Thursdays. This is a combination class with EMLS 771, Section 0595. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 0595 of EMLS771
Noncredit Intermediate English for Multilingual Students -- : Aug 19 - Dec 12 2024
This section will meet in person at the Santa Rosa Campus on Mondays and Tuesdays and on Zoom on Thursdays. This is a combination class with EMLS 371, Section 0454. Your instructor will provide more details.

Section 1776 of EMLS334
Vocational English for Health Sciences -- : Aug 23 - Dec 13 2024
This is a combination class with EMLS 734, Section 2119. Your instructor will provide more details. Recommended prerequisite: high-intermediate English proficiency OR completion of EMLS 716 or higher.

Section 1854 of EMLS373CP
Advanced Conversation & Pronunciation for Multilingual Ss -- : Aug 20 - Dec 10 2024

Section 2119 of EMLS734
Noncredit Vocational English for Health Sciences -- : Aug 23 - Dec 13 2024
This is a combination class with EMLS 334, Section 1776. Your instructor will provide more details. Recommended prerequisite: high-intermediate English proficiency OR completion of EMLS 716 or higher.

No office hours