Fall 2024

Section 2135 of GIS40
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) -- : Aug 20 - Dec 12 2024
This class meets in person and requires physical attendance for both lecture and lab to achieve the learning objectives. The department will offer additional open lab hours available to students in the SRJC computer labs where students may work on assignments. Students opting for home use of the ESRI software products will need a suitable computer and display with reliable internet access. Cell phones and the majority of tablets will not suffice. Computers must be capable of running ArcGISPro 3.3 or above, a web browser, Microsoft Windows 10 or higher, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Acrobat Pro, and Google Earth. Please refer to ESRI ArcGIS Products, minimum system requirements: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/get-started/arcgis-pro-system-requirements.htm. Further details will be provided in the course syllabus when available and during the first class meeting.

No office hours