Fall 2024

Section 0132 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 20 - Dec 17 2024
Class focuses on senior fitness.

Section 1833 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 22 - Dec 19 2024
Class focuses on senior fitness.

Section 2051 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 20 - Dec 17 2024
Class focuses on indoor walk, stretch and strengthen. Walking with a variety of movements. Stretching for the second section of class, followed by Strengthening with and without tools for resistance. Class is adapted for both standing and seated participants.

Section 2232 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 19 - Dec 16 2024
Class focuses on indoor walk, stretch and strengthen. Walking with a variety of movements. Stretching for the second section of class, followed by Strengthening with and without tools for resistance. Class is adapted for both standing and seated participants.

Section 2236 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 21 - Dec 18 2024
Class focuses on indoor walk, stretch and strengthen. Walking with a variety of movements. Stretching for the second section of class, followed by Strengthening with and without tools for resistance. Class is adapted for both standing and seated participants.

Section 2535 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 23 - Dec 20 2024
Class focuses on low impact fitness, strength and balance.

Section 2719 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 22 - Dec 19 2024
Class focuses on Zumba Gold.

Section 2751 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 21 - Dec 18 2024
Class focuses on beginning Tai Chi.

Section 3130 of LL507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Aug 22 - Dec 19 2024
Class focuses on yoga sit and stand.

Summer 2024

Section 8117 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jun 18 - Aug 13 2024
Class focuses on Indoor Walk, Stretch and Strengthen. Walking with a variety of movements. Stretching for the second section of class, followed by Strengthening with and without tools for resistance. Class is adapted for both standing and seated participants.

Section 8279 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jun 20 - Aug 08 2024
Class focuses on Zumba Gold.

Section 8424 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jun 20 - Aug 08 2024
Class focuses on senior fitness.

Section 8571 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jun 20 - Aug 08 2024
Class focuses on yoga sit and stand.

Section 8577 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jun 21 - Aug 09 2024
Class focuses on low impact fitness, strength, and balance.

Section 8786 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jun 19 - Aug 07 2024
Class focuses on beginning Tai Chi.

Section 9078 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jun 18 - Aug 13 2024
Class focuses on senior fitness.

Spring 2024

Section 4861 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jan 22 - May 20 2024
Class focuses on Zumba Gold.

Section 4890 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jan 16 - May 21 2024
Class focuses on senior fitness.

Section 5683 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jan 19 - May 24 2024
Low impact fitness, strength and balance

Section 6782 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jan 16 - May 21 2024
Class focuses onIndoor Walk, Stretch and Strengthen. Walking with a variety of movements. Stretching for the second section of class, followed by Strengthening with and without tools for resistance. Class is adapted for both standing and seated participants.

Section 6900 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jan 18 - May 23 2024
Class focuses on yoga sit and stand.

Section 7012 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jan 18 - May 23 2024
Class focuses on beginning Tai Chi.

Section 8668 of OA507
Fitness for Older Adults -- : Jan 18 - May 23 2024
Class focuses on senior fitness.

No office hours