Fall 2024

Section 0250 of LL501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Sep 06 - Dec 20 2024
Class focuses on animal & human portraits in mediums of your choice.

Section 1835 of LL501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Sep 05 - Dec 19 2024
Class focuses on sketching and drawing with watercolor pencils.

Section 1857 of LL501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Sep 03 - Dec 17 2024
Class focuses on painting with watercolor.

Section 2367 of LL501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Sep 04 - Dec 18 2024
Class focuses on drawing and sketching with water color pencils.

Section 2538 of LL501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Sep 06 - Dec 20 2024
Class focuses on watercolor.

Section 2984 of LL501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Sep 04 - Dec 18 2024
Class focuses on watercolor painting.

Spring 2024

Section 4062 of OA501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Jan 17 - May 22 2024
Class focuses on drawing and sketching with watercolor pencils.

Section 4087 of OA501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Jan 19 - May 24 2024
Class focuses on watercolor.

Section 4562 of OA501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Jan 19 - May 24 2024
Class focuses on animal and human portraits in mediums of your choice.

Section 5850 of OA501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Jan 16 - May 21 2024
Class focuses on watercolor.

Section 5873 of OA501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Jan 17 - May 22 2024
Class focuses on drawing and sketching with watercolor pencils.

Section 6336 of OA501
Creative Arts for Older Adults -- : Jan 18 - May 23 2024
Class focuses on drawing and sketching with watercolor pencils.

No office hours